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Entering a crowded established market with a price premium? Our clients come to us with some of their most insurmountable market access challenges. We know the NHS needs to do more with less, this is perhaps felt most acutely in the management of long-term conditions. The sheer number of people, increasing prevalence and an aging population means cost-effective management of these cohorts is a daily challenge for both clinicians and commissioners.

How then can technology advancements be introduced into the NHS with higher price points? The answer lies in value for money and clinical stewardship. Accession’s brief was to ensure formulary success for our client’s new entrant. We quickly identified the value of the technology through our value creation methodology. However, this was only part of the solution. In order for this technology to be accepted by commissioners, they needed to be reassured of managed and controlled prescribing.

We know that multi-stakeholders and multi-agencies rigorously control access to medicines, however, once adopted, regulating appropriate cost-effective usage is much more challenging. This “floodgate” effect was a major barrier to formulary inclusion. Using this concept we set about the development of a medicines optimisation tool which facilitated clinical stewardship. Through a series of think tanks and market research interviews involving multiple NHS stakeholders we developed an electronic practice-based tool which facilitates patient empowerment, care plans and treatment goals. The tool tracks progress and outcomes so both the HCP and patient can share a vision of success.

The tool included visual aids and supported “where next” conversations in line with national guidance. Trust has significantly strengthened relationships between the NHS and our client through validation of its commitment to demonstrate patient outcomes and value for money within a tough financial environment. And formulary success? Absolutely!

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The Opportunity: Create The Case For Change Through Whole System Value

The Opportunity: Create The Case For Change Through Whole System Value

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Accession Healthcare Consulting Ltd
Southfield House
24 Greys Road
Henley on Thames