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Pathway Analysis & Real World Data

With insight into the improvements in quality or value that new drugs and devices can deliver, healthcare decision-makers can ensure that these new innovations are adopted and diffused at scale and pace.

Pathway mapping, modelling and costing provides the basis for this evaluation.

Real world data provides the evidence.


By analysing care pathways from end to end, pressure points in the system can be identified and understood. With this insight and knowledge, you can become armed to effectively engage with HCPs and commissioners across the local health economy who are responsible for and can influence change. With this knowledge and understanding of the whole system, it will then be possible to consultatively sell solutions to each pressure point.

As pathway specialists, Accession can provide expertise and solutions in the following areas:

  • Pathway creation
  • Pathway mapping
  • Pathway analysis
  • Pathway costing
  • Pathway evidencing
  • Pathway modelling
  • Pathway simulation

See also our Health Innovation Services


Access to health informatics and the development of real world data sets continues to be a crucial activity for the pharmaceutical industry. With more and more data sets and sources emerging in this growing market, the key to success is in ensuring the right ones are harnessed and that insight and meaning is generated as a result.

Our expert data and analytics team cut through the complexity of NHS data. We package data in a way that can by digested, interpreted and understood by field based teams and customers alike. By highlighting unwarranted variation in service delivery, medicines adoption and patient outcomes, these projects drive positive change and better care for all.

Secondary care HES activity and referral data analysis

Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) produced by NHS Digital, formerly the Health & Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) contains around 1 billion records stored in a secure data warehouse. This warehouse processes over 125 million admitted patient, outpatient and accident and emergency records each year. All data is pseudonymised ensuring patient confidentiality is maintained. We use HES data to monitor trends and patterns in NHS hospital activity, understand opportunity and referral patterns, assess effective delivery of care and support local service planning through business case development.

Primary care and prescribing data analysis

GP practice data contains all prescriptions issued and subsequently dispensed on a monthly basis in England. Due to the granularity of the data it is possible to identify prescribing that occurs at practice level, and can be processed up to CCG, regional and national level. These data sets highlight unwarranted variation in prescribing and patient outcomes.

Real World Data: Audit

Real patients, living in the real world are complex. They have comorbidities, environmental and behavioural factors as well as potential problems with adherence. Where there is a need for more rigorous scrutiny, real world data and audit can be used alongside the more established methods of value creation and pathway analyses. Real world audits provide a better understanding of:

  • Patient cohort size and eligibility
  • Disease severity mix
  • Treatment patterns
  • Patient service access
  • Cohort or patient-level condition specific modelling
  • Healthcare professional experience
  • Patient reported outcomes
  • Patient reported experience

Let's Innovate!

Accession has significant experience in the design and implementation of real world evidence studies. We are experts at navigating both NHS and Industry governance, regulatory and compliance standards. When you have a data gap we can fill it quickly, with robust evidence managed by an experienced team of clinical research scientists and health economists.

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Accession Healthcare Consulting Ltd
Southfield House
24 Greys Road
Henley on Thames