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An effective team is your biggest asset. To deliver excellence in execution and outstanding results your team must be confident, capable and clear on what needs to be achieved and communicated.
With an increasingly challenging competitive environment and a changing market access landscape, a commitment to the effective training of these teams is therefore a critical strategic imperative.

Aligning to the principal concerns of decision makers responsible for the planning, commissioning and delivery of local healthcare services is key to success. It is only with the right skills and knowledge that the field team can adopt and embrace a confident local customer engagement approach that will elevate conversations and drive success now and in the future.


Accession’s training services provide a bespoke blended learning package to bridge capability gaps and increase in-call effectiveness. Accession’s training methodology focuses on whole-system and value network selling allowing your field team to consultatively sell solutions to customer pressure points or “jobs to be done”. Our training solutions provide real practical hands-on market access training from our expert team. This practical application is enhanced through key account management methodologies and skills training that are required to engage with new and emerging customers.


We package the learning journey to fit your strategic objectives and time off road. Whether the requirement is a one day specialist event or a market access centric annual conference, we can help. Talk to us about increasing your teams’ ability to engage with customers across the whole local health economy, and let the results speak for themselves.

Let's Innovate!

If you have a problem, a barrier, or a seemingly insurmountable market access challenge talk to us, we can help. Let’s innovate!

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The Must Do:  Enable Health Equity and Tackle Health Inequalities

The Must Do: Enable Health Equity and Tackle Health Inequalities

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The New Access Barrier: Patient Pathway and System Pressure Points

The New Access Barrier: Patient Pathway and System Pressure Points

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The Opportunity: Create The Case For Change Through Whole System Value

The Opportunity: Create The Case For Change Through Whole System Value

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01491 577563

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Accession Healthcare Consulting Ltd
Southfield House
24 Greys Road
Henley on Thames